The rules of art

In 1992 the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu published his book "The Rules of Art".

A title with “oomph”, since art is usually associated with freedom from rules. In any case, the art market is subject to rules set by its most influential actors. Even if today's 4.0 world is no longer the one described by Pierre Bourdieu: It is about market power and the question of whether one can and wants to use the rules of art for oneself or to change them.

The expression "according to all the rules of the art" is used in the sense of properly and thoroughly. It goes back to the master singing of the 15th and 16th centuries (in Richard Wagner's “Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg” you can learn a lot about it). Under the term “lege arte” the expression also has legal relevance: just think of medical “malpractice”.

The art market is a place of great ideas with certain risks and side effects!

The following blog (focus on Facebook and Instagram) will report at loose intervals on the high (and low) lights of the art market. It does not address the professionals in the industry, but interested laypeople: with information, inspiration and - where necessary - criticism.

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